
kimi 2008-2-26 2522

姓名:KIMI 年龄:10 lego玩龄:9年 来自:上海 小学名:东展 在班级里开了个俱乐部,名字叫;lego俱乐部。 会所人数:3 三人姓名:不公布 多谢观赏!
最新回复 (6)
  • 鹰月月鸟 2008-2-26
    kimi?和miki mm有什么关系?
  • 我是大脸猫 2008-2-27
    感情你也是和我们家宝一样1岁不到就开始玩乐高的瓦,呵呵~~ 期待你们的原创作品哦~~小小设计师们!:D
  • 妮紫 2008-2-27
    10岁:sweat: :sweat: …… 那个时候我只玩玩具。没网上
  • miki 2008-2-27
    [QUOTE][鹰月月鸟]kimi?和miki mm有什么关系?[/QUOTE]
    偶来澄清...这个Kimi和偶米有关系啦...只是碰巧两个人为了同一个人,起了个很像的名而已 说明,对象是Kimi.Raikkonen,F1法拉利车队车手,就是这样~我们两个都是这个Kimi的人 澄清完毕~
  • 鹰月月鸟 2008-2-27
    LS的~:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  • qiuqiu320 2010-6-15
    Remember Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion wedding dresses wow power leveling that you are the rock of the group. Others in the group will include a mix of healers, warlocks, hunters, rogues, and so on, and most will be casters.Casters are usually physically weaker than warriors or hunters, and you should try your best to protect them by keeping the mobs on you, while they pick them off from a distance. Some group members, such as warlocks and hunters, will have minions or pets that will help wedding dresses tank. This can be great, especially if you are charging a large group of mobs and you know that you will be overwhelmed alone. Mark the targets with different symbols for each different minion or pet, so your group members will know which ones to attack. If you arent the group leader, ask them to do it for you so all of the tanks know where to go. Once you are in the instance, you should be in the lead. If you dont know where wow gold you are going, and someone else does, let them lead, but stay right with them. When you see a mob, pause and make sure that everyone is ready, especially if it is a large group of mobs. Choose the highest level mob and mark it, as that is the one that you need to go for. Let the group know that you are ready, and then head in for your kill. Use all your skills and abilities as wow power leveling a tank to kill the most powerful mob there. The others in your group will start picking off the others, or helping you with the one you have chosen. Once you slay that mob, move on to any others that are left standing. Make sure that you help to slay any mobs that are left so they dont hurt your other group members too much. If rolex an item comes up that is green, blue, or purple, and is one that you either need for a quest or that you can use or wear, it is always polite to ask if you can “need” the item instead of just doing it. More than likely, it wont be a problem, but there are always those few that will wedding dresses gripe about cxyjgnmfbnvs people needing. If you dont win it on a roll, it gives you the chance to go back to the instance with another group and regain the xp that you get from each instance until you gain the item you need to finish your quest. cxy