
frank_day 2012-1-15 1982

原链接(请用英文翻译): http://www.hothbricks.com/2012/01/2eme-vague-star-wars-2012-le-detail-des-minifigs/ 以下为英文译文: Here are the official descriptions that allow us to discover the exact list of minifigs that will be supplied with each set of the second wave of Star Wars 2012: 9496 Desert Skiff Hovering over the deadly Sarlacc pit, Luke prepared to Meet His fate aboard the Desert Skiff. ET Will Be Made to walk the plank and Be eaten by the Sarlacc ferocious? Or Will His friend Lando Calrissian help HIM esca pe the clutches of the renowned bounty hunter, Boba Fett? You decide! Includes 4 Minifigures: Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett and Kithaba .(前三个人仔与前述无异 但这里的第四个人仔不是之前所说的Weequay海盗而是在机器鸡里被恶搞过的一位,他不是Weequay人) 9497 Republic Starfighter-Class Striker Jedi Master Satele Shan streaks through space aboard the sleek Republic Striker-class Starfighter. With wing attack and cruise mode configurations, flick missiles, lightsaber rear storage and T7-O1 droid, this starfighter Powerful HAS everything it Needs to take on the evil Sith Empire! Includes 3 Minifigures: Satele Shan, Republic Trooper and T7-O1 Astromech Droid .(旧共主角 后来的最高绝地大师 萨提尔、共和国士兵-可能是Jace Malcolm与导航机器人、战机机翼可调整为攻击与巡航模式、导弹与光剑存放处等) 9498 Saesee Tiins Starfighter Jedi Master Saesee Tiin IS Patrolling for Separatist forces in history Jedi Starfighter, ready to go Into battle with fellow Jedi Master Even Piell. As well as Being Extremely light and agile, Saesee Ti ins green starfighter IS Equipped with four missiles, an R3-D5 droid and if the action gets a little too intense, a cockpit section That SECONDED to Become the Jedi Masters very own escape pod! Includes 3 Minifigures: Saesee Tiin, Astromech Droid R3-D5 and Even Piell .(两位大师一个导航机器人 其他与前述一致 战机为有四枚飞弹 值得注意的是此次的战机座舱有新设计 座舱可成逃生舱) ——顺便回顾下几版绝地战机——仅限于早期的Delta-7不包括Eta-2 第一版Obi的战机(7143) 中规中矩 没有太多特征 第二版是08年的Ani的战机(7669) 特征是可以弹出导航机器人 有导弹 第三版是09年的Ahsoka战机(7751) 特征是导弹 第四版是10年的Plo战机(8093) 特征是弹出式座舱 同年有10215的欧比战机UCS版 第五版是11年的Windu战机(7868) 特征是导弹 明年的是最新版(9498) 特征是导弹和可以成为逃生舱的座舱 9499 Gungan Sub Jar Jar Binks guides His Friends Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn Through the watery planet of Naboo core in the elegant Gungan Sub. Built to resemble Some Of The Many Creatures That Inhabit the underwater world, the Gungan Sub features a large cockpit, cargo bays, storage boxes, rotating tail propulsion, missiles and a mini-sub Even with harpoon. Includes Queen Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Jar Jar Binks .(阿米达拉女王-这里的描述与之前的女王人仔信息相符合、欧比、奎刚和扎扎;潜艇的可玩处有大座舱、储物柜、电影中带有尾部的推进器、导弹和带鱼叉的小潜艇) Fury Class Sith Interceptor 9500 On board the lethal Fury-class Interceptor, the evil Sith Lord Darth Malgus scans for historical instruments Republic-Occupied Territory. Armed with missiles and four folding wings, the Sith Fury-class Inter Ceptors hold off Can Also Be Used To transport ground Sith Troops Into the heart of the battle. Who will defeat the evil Sith Lord? Includes 3 Minifigures: Malgus Darth and Sith Troopers 2 .(旧共里的西斯尊主马尔加斯与两名西斯士兵,战机特征为导弹与可折叠机翼) 9515 Malevolence The IS Malevolence General Grievous flagship and one of the Separatist militarys Most Feared weapons. Unbeknownst to Grievous and His crew, Anakin and Padme Have Entered the giant craft in year Attempt to rid the galaxy of this deadly curse. The cargo bay Malevolence features with a transport train, detailed interior with removable sections for easy-access opening and twin missile launchers quick-fire. Includes LEGO Minifigures 6: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, General Grievous, Count Dooku, Battle Droid Commander and Battle Droid .(人偶描述与前述有异、Ani、Dooku与格非将军、战斗机器人不变,机器人指挥官个人猜测应该是战术机器人、另这里显示的是胖大妈,之前传闻的是Ahsoka,需等待进一步的确切消息;战舰特征有一小列运输车、细节内构中有双发导弹发射装置、可移动舱门等) 9516 Jabbas Palace At Jabbas Palace on Tatooine, Princess Leia IS Disguised as she tries to have Boushh rescue Chewbacca and carbonite-frozen Han Solo. Can she get past the roof-mounted missiles, guns and defense surveillance equi pment to Reach Them? Or Will Jabba and His motley band of followers capture the princess and entrap Beneath Her Jabbas throne sliding? Includes 9 Minifigures: Jabba, Salacious Crumb, Bib Fortuna, Gamorrean Guard, Oola, Han Solo, Princess Leia outfit in Boushh, Chewbacca and Bomarr Monk .(场景基本如原视频所见,加巴、加巴的宠物、加巴的提列克管家、猪头侍卫、提列克舞女、韩、装扮成猎人的蕾亚、假装被抓的秋巴卡、被改造成蜘蛛机器人只剩大脑的僧侣;这里的描述是9个人仔,Han只出现一次;从之前的视频上看起来是有10个人仔但有一个未定,视频中是有白色衣服的Han,同时也好像是有碳化的Han、之前8097的碳化Han在官方介绍中也没有作为一个单独人仔,这样一来个人猜测,9516依然是10个人仔,但会有两个Han,其中一个是碳化Han,若碳化Han不作为单独人仔的话,就是9个人仔,这也与剧情比较符合,描述的正好是蕾亚与秋巴卡去见加巴,然后解冻Han并落入圈套的剧情,这一段与之前的加巴宫殿互补) 声明:最终内容未出来之前 一切都是预测 此处所转内容仅供同好参考 加之小弟英文很差 请以原文为主 另外此处的官方是译自原文的“Official”一词 原文也未提供实际消息来源 故不代表个人承认其官方性 需等待进一步官方消息证实 如有差错欢迎指出 但拒绝接受拍砖 谢谢大家支持 另下半年的set 未必贵上天 因为纵观这些年的乐高星战产品 已经形成了成熟的产品线 这样一来 价钱都是大致猜得到的 当然这是相对于往年的定价而言 贵不贵是相对标准 人人的认定不一样 个人预计 9496 与 9498 会在30D左右 9497 与 9500 会在40D左右 9499 可能在70D至80D之间(要看颗粒数) 9515 可能是倒R 独家 价格自90D至110D之间 9516 不出意外是120D左右 感谢之前TX的相应文章 本次转载只是作为补充 并修改了之前没说清的一点细节而已 望大家多相互参照
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