【分享】7931T6净机评鉴+小修改 星战系列

ajdken 2011-3-7 5518

年前从香港进的7931净机,应该是今年上半年的最大一款,不过多数人应该是冲着两位新的大师去的吧,所以就对我这种载具控有好处了,收回来发觉这款T6距地飞机真是不错的,不过后来发现那两个绝地真的很漂亮,难道要我再收一个么??呵呵,还是先看评鉴吧!因为是原力搭建,就没有小兵出场了! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 绝地大师来到现场准备拆封自己的新坐骑了,六人成行,难道要我败3组么,你们这帮家伙。。。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 总共四个编号5包零件袋(现在星战都实行编号,比较人性化了),卖家把人偶抽出来后很用心把缺口封好的,不过卖家多数是盒子控,盒子就舍弃了。。。不过说明书贴纸很完美!
最新回复 (22)
  • ajdken 2011-3-7
    按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 1号包搭建的是机身,T6的造型很特别,同样这里也有使用别于其他星战灰机的拼法,是一种新尝试! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 推进器的搭建,三联推进器很漂亮,特别是星战惯用的湖水蓝喷射零件,左右两个是有机关活动的,装上机身后,整体大小已经可以估量了! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 推进引擎的外壳,很多漂亮的弧形转,零件很实用。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 装上本体,雏形就出来了,很别致的十字架造型。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 背面的推进器大爱啊! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 第一阶段完成,这帮家伙高兴死了!
  • ajdken 2011-3-7
    按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 二号袋是左方机翼的搭建,星战的显著特色,大量的板件又出现了(%¥……&%&¥#56),普罗孔大师奉命担当比例,正面的机翼倒是挺漂亮的,背面的孔板就,唉,不说了,大家都懂的。。。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 这款比较口水的零件,大型转动盘,和6752里的是一样的,有别于科技组的那个,这个比较实用,可以直接和砖结合。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 右边的机翼(3号袋)都是对称的搭法,就不赘述了,装上两边的机翼,和欧大叔对比一下,翼展还是蛮大的,很有分量,机翼除连接部分最厚的地方有一个砖的高度,可惜因为零件原因机翼并不是在连接器垂直高度的正中间部分。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 二号袋多出的是圆盘,三号袋是连接加固板,凑一起就可以装上机身了。果然十分有气势! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 尾部起落架是可以收放的。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 有圆盘的同好都知道圆盘的转动时十分顺畅的,于是这里乐高的设计师们通过齿轮传递,小齿轮的轴连着一个带有摩擦的pin,这样在带单孔的1*2砖中转动时就可以靠摩擦力使得机翼旋转到任何一个方向都可以定位,不会晃来晃去! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 机翼旋转90度的样子,可以完全定位,当然这是漂亮的一面,背面就最好不要看了。。。
  • ajdken 2011-3-7
    按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 下面是机舱的搭建了,这款T6的机舱很是漂亮,由于用一体成型的外壳而很有流线型,不过里面的内装真是,唉。。。大家懂的。。。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 继续搭建,里面的作为方式很奇怪,说明书只介绍了坐以为绝地进去的方法,如果不做修改,只能前后比较挤的坐两个人。。。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 下面是这一set最口水的零件,独一无二的带印刷的大玻璃舱盖了,超级的有爱,哈哈,MOC做驾驶舱时简直是一流啊! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 盖上舱盖,再把机头套进机身,T6就完成了,绝地那帮家伙都跃跃欲试呢,好,我们石头剪刀布,赢了的先坐!!
  • ajdken 2011-3-7
    T6的外形和构造都设计得比较完善的,唯一有缺点的就是驾驶舱了,因此本次的改造针对驾驶舱精细化就行了! 按此在新窗口浏览图片 拆开玻璃舱盖,可以看到修改后可以二人并排而坐了。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 侧甲板去除原来的1*6 plate,就不会阻碍人偶的手部。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 搭建的步骤,现在底面上铺上居中用的plate 6块,后方加上修饰 按此在新窗口浏览图片 按此在新窗口浏览图片 铺上中轴和斜面平板(因为舱底盖的弧度,是一定要用斜面件的,而且只有两个突起的话,把人仔坐下去也方便拿出来),控制杆也加上了。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 机首砖块的改造,灰色的斜面板可以用来遮挡原本从机首望过去的空洞,有白色的会更好,加上了仪表板。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 装上去,内舱的改造就完成了,虽然很简单,却很实用,比较满意。 按此在新窗口浏览图片 最后还在机翼的地面部位加装了放置光剑的地方,绝地们就可以持械登机了,呵呵! 本次的评鉴就到此结束了,谢谢大家的观看,这款飞机还是不错的,外型上绝对是养眼的,有8088,7674,7676的同好也不妨进一个,同一色系的飞机放起来就是漂亮,看来偶真是考虑多收一个了,绝地那帮家伙真劝败啊(不但是人偶,载具也是)。。。
  • id9705 2011-3-7
  • 小F 2011-3-7
    图1就是我看到那个~ 图片早先看到了~不过有文字解释会更理解意思~:D 双1包开解取出人仔了~木有人仔太可惜了~:embarrass 说话第一次看到T6貌似是阿纳金和欧比旺驾驶的~
  • littleman 2011-3-7
  • littleman 2011-3-7
    在brickset看了下评鉴,一边陪老婆看house和Grey一边顺手翻译了下,还有其他review的,不过剧也看完了,到此为止。 Everything about this set is FANTASTIC. This set is one of the best Star Wars sets LEGO has ever made and I was incredibly happy to get this as a birthday present today (10th January) 这是我的10岁生日礼物。 Minifigures As I said before, everything about this set is FANTASTIC. Well I was lying. The minifigures are BETTER than FANTASTIC! People have complaining about Quinlan Vos not being in this set despite being featured in this set in preliminary images, but this doesnt really bother me, as he is going to be in the 7964 Republic Frigate coming out later this year. Now onto the actual minifigures. - Anakin Skywalker is the same old lame old in my opinion. He has been in more sets than there are pieces in the T-6 (gross exaggeration) but I suppose he was in the shuttle with Obi-Wan in the Season 2 Clone Wars episode Bounty Hunters. Although I would have preferred Quinlan Vos, he will be coming later in the year and I dont have to put Anakin in the Shuttle. - Obi-Wan Kenobi is a pretty good minifigure. He is a very good likeness to his Clone Wars self and is a welcome addition to the set, seeing as I didnt get the other two sets he was in, so this is my first Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi. - Saesee Tiin is an AWESOME minifigure! LEGO has made the Iktotchi Jedi Master perfectly in my opinion. His horns and tough-skin forehead are fantastic and he is my third favourite Jedi that I have, behind Aayla Secura (2nd) and the T-6s very own Shaak Ti. Easily one of the best minifigures ever made. - Shaak Ti is amazing. In fact, to call her amazing is a gross injustice. This Togruta beauty is my favourite Jedi minifigure and definitely one of the best minifigures ever made by LEGO. Her lekku (head-tails) are very good and the only disadvantage to her is that while wearing her cape it is very hard to sit her in the cockpit of the T-6. T-6 Jedi Shuttle The build of the Jedi Shuttle is very sturdy and LEGO have done a very good job at making it big whilst only using 389 pieces. Seriously, its a LOT bigger than I thought it would be. The body of the shuttle has a very interesting build and comes together with the other components of the shuttle brilliantly. The flick-fire missiles that come out from the engine area when you push the outside two engines work a lot better than most flick-fire missiles and go quite far. The landing gear is simple, consisting of only three pieces, but does its job very well. I suppose it has to though, as the shuttle cant land flat without it! The wings are genius. In my opinion they are just right for the shuttle itself and although they may be lacking the width of the actual shuttle that is featured in the Clone Wars episodes, I dont mind one bit. They turn great and the big gear in the middle of the craft slows down the rotation a bit to make sure the wings dont spin like crazy. The design on the top is very appealing, however perhaps my biggest fault with the set is the unattractive underside. I would have much preferred it if there were studs on both sides, but its up to LEGO. 这艘飞船很结实,却仅仅用了389个零件。说真的,它比我想象中还大,船身搭建很有趣而且很巧妙地连接其他部分,当你按钮的时候,轻导弹从引擎部分发射出来,降落架很简单,只有3个零件,但还是必须的,因为飞船没了它没法降落!机翼设计简直是天才,我觉得他们对飞船来说是刚刚好,虽然对比动画片来说比例还差一点,但我一点都不介意,转起来幅度很大而且中心的大齿轮会降低旋转速度让机翼看起来不会转得太疯,机翼顶部设计一流,但底部我觉得最不满意,如果两面都是颗粒面就好了,但那是Lego负责干的事。 The cockpit has been probably the most controversial part of the shuttle on other web sites that have reviewed this set, with most people saying that the interior is ugly and that LEGO could have done a better job. I do not agree. The cockpit can fit two minifigs (Shaak Ti can only fit if you put her in the front seat with the bottom of her cape rolled up) and three at a squeeze. The exterior has been sculpted very well and the windshield comes of easily in order to remove the minifigures from the cockpit. The cockpit can also detach easily from the main body of the shuttle as an escape pod and I think that this is a neat extra feature to a set already filled to the brim with playability features. Although the interior is a little unattractive WITHOUT minifigures seated inside, when there are minifigures in it you dont notice it at all. 座舱在很多评鉴都提过了,大部分人都觉得里面太难看了,我不同意。座舱能坐2个人(Shaak Ti 只能坐前面而且要把斗篷卷起来),挤一点的话3个人都行,外部造型很好,挡风可以轻易取下方便拿起人仔,座舱可以很容易地从机身拿开变成逃生舱,我想这是一个额外的的可玩功能,虽然座舱内部在没有人仔的时候实在不太吸引,但把人仔放进去以后就不太明显了。 Price Seeing as I got this set as a birthday present, I cant really judge the price. Overall Overall this an absolutely magnificent set, and I am exceedingly happy with it, especially as I got it for free for my birthday. The minifigures are amazing and the whole ship is an architectural triumph. I would definitely recommend purchasing this set, no matter what the store price is as it is truly brilliant. 综上所述,这绝对是梦幻的一set,我很满意尤其是作为免费的生日礼物,整船是一个搭建上的杰作,我推荐你买这一款,别管什么价格,因为它太棒了。 Well, today I bought this set from the local Toyworld. It was $90 AUS, on sale from the RRP of $100, so I bought it. Let me just say, the set is amazing. 我用90澳元买的。我只能说,这款太棒了。 The minifigures are all amazing -for a set named Jedi Shuttle, it doesnt disappoint! The real attractions here are Saesee Tiin and Shaak Ti, both well detailed with great torsos and headpieces. Obi-Wan is here again, quite rare in the CW theme and always a welcome minifig. The last is Anakin, which seems to irk a lot of people, but I did not already own him, so I didnt mind. Still, for most collectors, the set offers some top notch minifigs. 5/5 对一艘被命名为Jedi穿梭机的set来说绝对不辱其名,最给力的是Saesee Tiin and Shaak Ti,两个的头部和身体细节都做得很好,Obi-Wan 又来了,还有Anakin,似乎很多人很烦他,不过我正好还没有这个人仔。对收藏家来说,这set用来收藏人在还是不错的。满分。 The ship is amazing, both in aesthetics and design. The colour scheme is a bold red and white, with splashings of grey and blue; its colour helps it stand out on the shelf or display table. The design is easy enough, with each wing, the body and the cockpit being a separate bag. No part of the building process was too repetitive. 飞船很正点,不管是美感还是设计,配色是鲜红和白色,少量灰色和蓝色,不管在架子上还是桌子上都很夺目,设计很简单,每个机翼、船身和座舱都是单独的零件包,搭建过程也不觉得太重复。 The ship has a great "SWOOSH" factor to it. The gears that move the wings around the body are well designed, and the complete vehicle has a nice sturdiness to it. It has a lot of heft, too, for so few parts. 这艘船有个很“炫”(旋)的地方,机翼围绕机身旋转的齿轮设计得很棒,整机很坚固,而且这么少的零件却有不小的重量。 Cons: Not a damn thing, in my opinion. Some people might find an issue with its pricing, but for the amazing minifigures and a cool looking ship, its worth the full price! 缺点:我觉得几乎没有,有些人可能觉得稍贵,但是有这么给力的人仔和好看的飞船,全价买也是值得的。 I purchased this set from Wal*Mart for about $60, not even worth it. I am debating whether or not this set was even designed, or just thrown together. And at $60 (for 389 pieces?), I would expect it to be. 我在WalMart用60美金买的,不太值,我怀疑这set究竟有没有被设计过,或者只是随便堆砌在一起。60美金才389片? Want to hear about the parts Brickset? Okay, well they are mostly, very large and not very useful except for things along the lines of other STAR WARS ships. I understand that the large pieces are probably for structure, well, it doesnt stay together all that well. See The completed model. Most of the parts are either (classic) red, white, or light blay, with a little tan, black, and trans. light blue mixed in. 零件基本上很大不过除了用于星战之外似乎没什么用,我明白大零件是为了结构,但并不总是放在一起都会那么好,大部分零件是经典的红色、白色、浅灰,还有少量的米色、黑色的、透明,混了点浅蓝。 This set includes 389 LEGO elements, the same as the Bounty Hunter Gunship, which I believe is about $10 less. I dont own it, but I would have to say go for that as this has structure problems. 这套有389个零件,跟 Bounty Hunter Gunship一模一样,而且那款还便宜10美金,我宁愿买那款因为这款有结构上的问题。 There are no printed parts in this set except for a little Jedi starfighter control panel (havent seen one of those in a few years) and the windshield. So everything else is a sticker. 没有印刷零件除了一点Jedi飞行器那类的控制面板(我有几年没见过了)和挡风,其他都是贴纸。 We get four minifigures here, Obi Wan Kenobi (3rd set to include him), Shakk Ti (1st), Saesse Tiin (1st), and another Anakin Skywalker (about 100th). All of these figures are new to me, even Anakin, though I did have an Ep. III Obi-Wan.I often tend to go on about the figures, but I am writing this in a hurry, so this will be brief: 4个人仔,Obi Wan Kenobi(有这个人仔的第3个set了),Shakk Ti (第一次), Saesse Tiin (第一次), 还有个Anakin Skywalker (这可能快有100个了). Shaak Ti: Dark brown legs, Dark brown torso w/ a dark brown cloak and part of her red chest showing, Dark brown cape/cloak (I liked the feel of these back in 2001 more), an exclusive head with little detailing (thank you, the late 2011 Jedi are mostly hideous), and an exclusive head-gear piece showing her extended foarhead. Saesse Tiin: Dark brown legs, Dark brown torso with white arms & black hands, exclusive face with nice golden eyes (CW version actually looks good here!) and an exclusive head piece showing the horns. Obi-Wan Kenobi: White legs with tan hips, same tan torso with white arms, face with large blue eyes and burnt orange beard, exclusive burnt orange hairpiece Anakin Skywalker: Black legs, black torso (very similar to Obi-Wans, different belt though) with brown arms, exclusive face with large blue eyes and a scar from Ventress, and an exclusive "Clutch Powers" hairpiece in brown. The build A fairly easy build. Took me about 50 min. give or take a few. And that includes about two backtracks, and sombody (not me) spilling all four bags out at once. The only part that I actually enjoyed building was the hull (bag 1). The wings (bags 2 & 3) were repetative and confusing. Bag 4 was the cockpit, and the colors are so mismatched that it wasnt even fun! 搭建过程非常简单,大约用了50分钟,包括了返工2次,以及某SB(不是我)将4袋零件包全倒在一起。我唯一乐在其中的是搭建零件袋1的船身,零件袋2和3的机翼部分太重复且容易混淆,零件袋4是座舱,颜色不搭调,拼起来没乐趣可言。 The completed model Very, very fragile. Hardly any playability at all because it is always falling apart, there is no support on the bottom of the wings, so those are always fun to build and rebuild :( When the cockpit is removed, the pins are so strong that it usually takes part of the hull with it. On the note of the cockpit, the rotating feature works, but it is pretty hard to turn the wings because you need one hand on the cockpit or hull, and another to turn the wing, which moves very slowly and requires some force, wont be too easy for children. And again about the cockpit, it does look good from the out side, but, on the inside all of the colors are mismatched, and the two minifigures (yet this set comes with four) can hardly see out side of the window, and they hardly stay in their seats. Shaak Ti cant even ride the shuttle because of her cloak. 飞船非常非常脆弱,几乎没有可玩性可言因为它总是散架,在机翼底部没有支撑,所以总是有重拼的乐趣 :( 当拿开驾驶舱的时候,因为插稍结合太强了所以经常把机身的一部分都一起带了出来,提到座舱,(机翼)旋转功能可以运作,但是很难转他们因为你需要用一只手放在驾驶舱或者机身上,然后另一只手去转动机翼,转得很慢而且需要大力点,对小孩子来说不太容易,再说回座舱,从外面看是挺不错的,但里面所有的颜色都不搭调,而且从驾驶舱窗户外面几乎看不见里面的2个人仔(lego还给了4个),而且很难放在座位上,Shaak Ti因为有斗篷,所以甚至不能坐在里面。 The shuttle has a total of two flick-fire missles. "Its more than a match for the Bounty Hunters!" Not really, two missles arent that impressive and they cant even shoot out when the wings are left-right. Note: The missles have a button to push so that they are fired. 这艘飞船有2颗轻型导弹,“跟Bounty Hunters有一拼”,不完全是,2颗导弹没有那么给力,他们在机翼左右摆放时甚至不能发射。 Now the wings. The top section looks nice, but on the bottom they are gray and have white and red plates at various angles. It would be nice if they included some more of those large white plates so that it would at least look as if they tried. The wings are also uneven, when angled up-down, they are either slightly more to the left, or to the right as when the studs on the wings are upwords, they are lifted slightly higher than they should be. 到机翼了,从顶部很好看,但从底部看是灰色的而且在各个角度都有红白相间,如果有更多的大白色板件就更好了。机翼也不对称,当摆成上下位置,他们不是左倾就是右倾而且轻微被升高了。 And lastly, the thing is pretty heavy, so it would have not "swooshability" with young kids, especially when the wings are up-down. 最后,这东西很重,对小孩子来说不合适,尤其是机翼处于上下位置时。 Summary I would have to say, get the Bounty-Hunter Gunship, it has the same amount of pieces, and is $10 lower. Dont even purchase this set for the figures, get them of off Bricklink. 总结,还是去买Bounty-Hunter Gunship吧,有同样的零件数,而且还低10美金。建议,千万别为了人仔买这款。 Mostly just red and white. 基本全部只是红与白 Each one is Awesome! The new Saesee Tiin and Shaak Tii are amazing 新Jedi很给力 Average. It took 30 minutes to complete. 30分钟完成搭建 Great! Love the detail in the rear. The cockpit can only sit two Jedi though. The wings are pretty fragile but if they fall off its an easy fix. I never get tired of rotating the wings. 后部设计出色,座舱只能放2个人,机翼脆弱而且容易掉不过不难修正,我喜欢转它们。
  • jinqiu50 2011-3-8
  • lego_stalker 2011-3-8
    这款可玩性不错, 机翼可旋转, 左右导弹可发射,机头可分离, 但不适合量产 转段视频, 50秒开始 点击开新窗口欣赏该flash动画![全屏欣赏]
  • ajdken 2011-3-8
    [QUOTE][id9705]这款我是永远不会收净机的,永远。。。。。。:burn:[/QUOTE] 是喜欢人偶么?
  • ajdken 2011-3-8
    [QUOTE][小F]图1就是我看到那个~ 图片早先看到了~不过有文字解释会更理解意思~:D 双1包开解取出人仔了~木有人仔太可惜了~:embarrass 说话第一次看到T6貌似是阿纳金和欧比旺驾驶的~[/QUOTE] 对的,现在觉得可惜了,两个新绝地很漂亮,绝地飞船还有一部三个翅膀那种的,估计也会出的。
  • ajdken 2011-3-8
    [QUOTE][littleman]我有7674和7676,但跟这款不是同一个色系的,这款是很普通的鲜红色[/QUOTE] 这款用鲜红色确实比较好看,不过和8088一样是零件很少又很贵的set。
  • ajdken 2011-3-8
    [QUOTE][jinqiu50]好大的规模啊。[/QUOTE] 翼展确实挺宽的,就是背面比较难看。。。
  • ajdken 2011-3-8
    [QUOTE][lego_stalker]这款可玩性不错, 机翼可旋转, 左右导弹可发射,机头可分离, 但不适合量产 转段视频, 50秒开始 http://www.tudou.com/v/zCLrQvv4Jqg/&rpid=82737384/v.swf[/QUOTE] 视频很精彩啊,那本贴纸书很好,人偶单买应该会比较贵了。。。
  • 克隆兵 2011-3-8
  • ajdken 2011-3-8
    [QUOTE][克隆兵]这是不是没有机舱的》不能坐人的?只有驾驶室可以:confused:[/QUOTE] 就只有驾驶舱可以坐人的,不要骂它,10212那么一个UCS大鸟也只有驾驶舱能坐人的。。。:gogo:
  • 克隆兵 2011-3-8
  • ajdken 2011-3-8
    [QUOTE][克隆兵]那这个有必要收吗?[/QUOTE] 个人喜欢,人偶控一定要收,我是载具控,对折收的。。。
  • 拒绝融化の冰 2011-3-13
    ;) 舱盖果然很棒啊,口水
  • b365 2015-7-7
  • comcap 2015-7-17