BL 要改版了,2.0 优惠信息及海淘技术

indite 2013-7-18 1686

Dear Members of the Community, It has been just over a month since we took over Bricklink, and we would like to take this chance to connect with you, and to share our progress on the development of Bricklink 2.0. As we announced in our previous message, our ultimate goal is to improve and develop Bricklink in order to facilitate and spread our passion for Lego, while at the same time maintaining the spirit and user experience of our global community. With this in mind, over the past month we have been gathering your comments and ideas in order to understand what are the features and improvements required for Bricklink 2.0 both from the sellers’ and buyers’ points of view. We have made good progress in this phase and have already set up a team of talented individuals that will start working on a major overhaul of the website based on what we have learned. At the same time, this is a collaborative exercise, taking into account a broad variety of needs and ideas from the community and therefore we expect lots of support and commitment from you. Rest assured that we are working hard to exceed your expectations. Yours faithfully, Bricklink Limited 谷歌渣翻译,但大概意思能看懂: 亲爱的会员社区, 仅仅过了一个月一直因为我们接手Bricklink,我们想 借此机会与您联系,并分享我们的发展进度 的2.0 Bricklink。 正如我们在我们以前的消息宣布,我们的最终目标是改善和 为了促进和传播我们的热情,乐高,而发展Bricklink 同时保持我们的全球社区的精神和用户体验。 考虑到这一点,在过去的一个月中,我们已经收集您的意见和 理念,以了解什么是所需的功能和改进 2.0 Bricklink从卖方及买方观点。 我们已经取得了良好的进展,在这个阶段,已经成立了一个才华横溢的团队 个人将开始工作在一个基于网站的大修 我们学到了什么。在同一时间,这是一个协作的运动, 考虑各种各样的需求和想法从社区 因此,我们希望从你的支持和承诺。 请放心,我们正在努力超越您的期望。 此致 Bricklink有限公司
最新回复 (6)
  • xingcunzhe4 2013-7-18
    别的不用费心 来个多国语言版的就行 ==
  • erickou 2013-7-18
    楼主是如何收到邮件通知的呢?我没有收到~ "over the past month we have been gathering your comments and ideas in order to understand what are the features and improvements required for Bricklink 2.0 both from the sellers’ and buyers’ points of view" 没有见到有任何渠道可以提交意见啊~ 如果知道请告知~ 真心希望BL在加强买卖双方沟通方面做得好一点。
  • indite 2013-7-18

    erickou 发表于 2013-7-18 11:42 [img]static/image/common/back.gif[/img]

    "over the past month we have been gathering your comments a ...
    亲,看BL右上角的通告“Site Update - July 17”

  • erickou 2013-7-18
    到 BL 论坛里看了看,看样子目前会保留老版网站,仅修改BUG,同时开发一个全新的网站。今天上午就比平时多重启了一次(正常是北京时间每天中午12点)

    I wanted to follow up on the official post with some of my own comments. I recently had the opportunity to meet the new owner of Bricklink, as well as the development team that will be building the new site. One of the main goals of our meetings was to define responsibilities for both developing the new site and managing the old site.

    As a result of the meeting, I have taken over complete responsibility for the existing code base. This will allow the development team to focus exclusively on the new site. We already have a fairly complete list of bugs and I hope to start making fixes in the next few weeks. Well be as transparent as possible in terms of the fixes being made and will communicate through the forums as fixes are ready for test and as they are pushed to production. These pushes will be scheduled to minimize the impact on peoples work. In addition to my own testing, We will also be making use of the volunteer test team to fully test
    the fixes before pushing them to production.

    If you have questions, please reply here or directly to the Admin (at) bricklink mailbox. Thanks for your continued business!

    Eric Smith
    Bricklink Administrator


    If it hasnt already been suggested a dozen times or more, a better search engine. The advance search parameters specifically; so you can find the piece, in the color, you are looking for, without going through 25 pages before you find it. Thanks for listening!


    Im happy to lend my support as I definitely want BrickLink to succeed. However Im not aware that any member of the community has been contacted yet (I could be wrong). So to say you are "gathering comments and ideas...from both buyers and sellers..." runs the risk of being disingenuous. The seller population here feels very burned and neglected, and you should not underestimate
    this. There is a lot of relationship work that needs to be done to rebuild the passionate support you are looking for.

    So my request is: please do not just read emails. Talk to us. Hold virtual focus groups. Post suggestions and have buyers and sellers vote up or down.
  • erickou 2013-7-18
    [i=s] 本帖最后由 erickou 于 2013-7-18 12:46 编辑 [/i] 到 BL 论坛里看了看,看样子目前会保留老版网站,仅修改BUG,同时开发一个全新的网站。今天上午就比平时多重启了一次(正常是北京时间每天中午12点)

    I wanted to follow up on the official post with some of my own comments. I recently had the opportunity to meet the new owner of Bricklink, as well as the development team that will be building the new site. One of the main goals of our meetings was to define responsibilities for both developing the new site and managing the old site.

    As a result of the meeting, I have taken over complete responsibility for the existing code base. This will allow the development team to focus exclusively on the new site. We already have a fairly complete list of bugs and I hope to start making fixes in the next few weeks. Well be as transparent as possible in terms of the fixes being made and will communicate through the forums as fixes are ready for test and as they are pushed to production. These pushes will be scheduled to minimize the impact on peoples work. In addition to my own testing, We will also be making use of the volunteer test team to fully test
    the fixes before pushing them to production.

    If you have questions, please reply here or directly to the Admin (at) bricklink mailbox. Thanks for your continued business!

    Eric Smith
    Bricklink Administrator


    If it hasnt already been suggested a dozen times or more, a better search engine. The advance search parameters specifically; so you can find the piece, in the color, you are looking for, without going through 25 pages before you find it. Thanks for listening!


    Im happy to lend my support as I definitely want BrickLink to succeed. However Im not aware that any member of the community has been contacted yet (I could be wrong). So to say you are "gathering comments and ideas...from both buyers and sellers..." runs the risk of being disingenuous. The seller population here feels very burned and neglected, and you should not underestimate
    this. There is a lot of relationship work that needs to be done to rebuild the passionate support you are looking for.

    So my request is: please do not just read emails. Talk to us. Hold virtual focus groups. Post suggestions and have buyers and sellers vote up or down.


    As a suggestion/offer, I would love to chat with someone about shipping on BL 2.0. With many different countries and rates involved, a plan moving forward would be helpful. As a community we could go many ways to help the customer and seller.

    另一个卖家留言,看起来BL上的卖家比买家更加迫切的希望2.0版可以有更多实用的新功能~ (毕竟人家是为了做生意~)

    Couldnt have said it better myself. I have so many things that I would like to see happen for 2.0 to help my sales and my production flow. No ones asked me for any ideas.

    还有卖家提到想要更好的“评价”功能,还写了更多解释,就不全贴了~ (这些都是某宝的基本功能啊,看起来。。。看起来。。。。)

    Any kind of way to organize comments so the professional staff can go through them easier would be great.

    管理员确认了前面被提到的搜索功能的改进,解释说目前主要受限于现有的页面框架的使用,现有的"frame"这种框架早就不再流行了。(看起来 2.0 版本的BL,至少是基于 Web 2.0 的架构来的)

    Search engine optimization is definitely on the docket. Right now, search engines are blocked primarily because of the framed layout used in the stores. It is entirely possible to get a search result on a page that has no navigation. Frames have long since gone out of vogue, but thats why search engines dont come into the site now.

    - Eric

    最后管理员解释了下说,目前只是开始阶段,管理员同学已经很清楚的向新东家表达了,BL用户群体希望被重视,新东家表示理解。管理员同学承诺为用户群体主张利益~ (发现管理员同学跟俺同名。。哈。。。)

    This sort of meeting is exactly what the new owners are committed to doing, we discussed this at our meetings last week. They liked the idea of town halls, were just very early in their process. I made it very clear that the user base on BL have gotten very impatient for fixes/changes/improvements, and they understand that.

    The user base will not be ignored. I have made it my primary goal as Admin to be the advocate for the user base.

    - Eric
  • ysysys1234 2013-7-18